What is Biochar?
Biochar, Bio-Oil and Syngas are obtained by pyrolysis from biomass.

Biochar a material with exceptional properties
Biochar has a high carbon content of up to 90 % and binds carbon material reliably, long-term and without negative side effects.
It is characterized by highly interesting physical and chemical properties and has a positive effect on biochemical processes.
Biomass pyrolysis is removing CO₂ from the atmosphere.
Biomass captures CO2 from the atmosphere during its growth. Carbon (C) is stored in plant material while oxygen is released into the atmosphere. A large part of the C can be captured during pyrolysis in a gas, a liquid and a solid phase. While providing climate-neutral energy using the gas phase (Syngas) and the liquid phase (Bio-Oil), the material use of the solid phase (Biochar) allows for carbon capture and storage, thus leading to a a net climate positive process.

Benefits of biochar application in agriculture
In the seven systems: stable, manure/slurry, biogas plant, composting, field, trees/forest and soil, biochar can improve processes, limit the emission of greenhouse gases and create carbon sinks.
Increases (+) and decreases (-) are visualized as positive (green) or negative (red) effects.

After becoming popular for its exceptional properties as a soil amendment, many more forms of use and application have been developed and studied.”

How else can Biochar be applied?
Biochar has proven to improve the quality of construction materials such as concrete or asphalt, it is widely used as a fodder additive for animal health as for cleansing of air and water, it helps regulating humidity, absorbs toxins, fosters beneficial microbial life. It can and should be locally sourced from residual material, limiting transportation costs and emissions and it replaces scarce resources while improving the quality of the end-products.
This alone makes it a highly valuable resource, but probably its main benefit is just about to gain political importance:
The broad application of biochar makes negative emissions possible at a large scale. Right now. In fact, the sequestration has already begun. By thousands of farmers worldwide, communal services, providers of building materials and many more.